The Ultimate Guide to entertainment

The Ultimate Guide to entertainment

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Very much an iconic, cross-cultural address at the foot of Montmartre, this hybrid cabaret-club has played host to cabaret troupe Madame Arthur since 1946…

Inauthentic castle in Disneyland amusement park Architects who push the boundaries of design or construction sometimes create buildings that are entertaining because they exceed the expectations of the public and the client and are aesthetically outstanding.

The power of stories to entertain is evident in one of the most famous ones – Scheherazade – a story in the Persian professional storytelling tradition, of a woman who saves her own life by telling stories.[94][95][96] The connections between the different types of entertainment are shown by the way that stories like this inspire a retelling in another medium, such as music, film or games.

The two stars spoke with AP entertainment journalist Krysta Fauria about working with the director, exploitation and objectification in show business and why Hollywood loves to make movies about itself.

A full house at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, waiting for a musical entertainment to begin (1937) Music is a supporting component of many kinds of entertainment and most kinds of performance.

This true hybrid, known as the Grocery Store to Anglophones, is a massive space, fronted at street level by its in-house Italianate canteen-bar with big…

Many contests between animals are now regarded as sports – for example, horse racing is regarded as both a sport and an important source of entertainment. Its economic impact means that it is also considered a global industry, one in which horses are carefully transported around the world to compete in races.

It comes as the Sun reported he left after an incident with another dancer, which his representative denies.

The familiar forms of entertainment have the capacity to cross over into different media and have demonstrated a seemingly unlimited potential for creative remix. This has ensured the continuity and longevity of many themes, images, and structures.

By the second half of the 20th century, developments in electronic media made possible the delivery of entertainment products to mass audiences across the globe. The technology enabled people to see, hear and participate in all the familiar forms – stories, theatre, music, dance – wherever they live.

A seafarer tells the young Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother the story of what happened out at sea. Storytelling is an ancient form of entertainment that has influenced almost all other forms. It is "not only entertainment, it is also thinking through human conflicts and contradictions".[17] Hence, although stories may be delivered directly to a small listening audience, they are also presented as entertainment and used as a component of any piece that relies on a narrative, such as film, drama, ballet, and opera. Written stories have been enhanced by illustrations, often to a very high artistic standard, for example, on illuminated manuscripts and on ancient scrolls such as Japanese ones.

Phillips shares why he chose her for the role, singing on set — and using the film to pose the question: “What is entertainment?”

Comedian Charlie Chaplin impersonating Hitler for comic effect in the satirical film The Great Dictator (1940) Comedy is both a genre of entertainment and a component of it, providing laughter and amusement, whether the comedy is the sole purpose or used as a form of contrast in an otherwise serious piece. It is a valued contributor to many forms of entertainment, including in literature, theatre, opera, film and games.[84][85] In royal courts, such as in the Byzantine court, and presumably, also in its wealthy households, "mimes were the focus of orchestrated humour, expected or obliged to make fun of all at court, not even excepting the emperor and members of the imperial family.

I became accustomed to reading [novels] and that small fault made me cool my desire and will to do other tasks. I thought nothing of spending many hours a day and night in this vain exercise, hidden from my father. My rapture in this was so great, that unless I had a new book to read, it seemed to me that I could not be happy. quoted in Fischer (2003)[76] Reading has been a source of entertainment for a very long time, especially 九游娱乐官网 when other forms, such as performance entertainments, were (or are) either unavailable or too costly. Even when the primary purpose of the writing is to inform or instruct, reading is well known for its capacity to distract from everyday worries.

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